keskiviikko 16. maaliskuuta 2016

Snow white dress

Hello everyone.
How is spring time for you?

There was a first sign of spring in the morning air, an almost warm feeling and the snow is melting. Definitely time for spring. Do you have any Easter-sewing going on?

My Allietare quilt was paused last weekend, because I was focused on a special sewing task commissioned by my darling daughter and her upcoming birthday.

I quite like the way it turned out, and I had learned from previous dresses, that to make the arms "puff" really nicely, one has to use absolutely enormous amounts of fabric!

No pattern, just measured and eyeballed. (The dress actually IS symmetrical, it just lays down a bit crooked)

tiistai 1. maaliskuuta 2016

Allietare Clue 5

Yes, yes, yes!

This weekend, was wonderful, no work to do and time to relax and sew. And the mood was elevated even further by my good friend coming by and we spend the whole saturday afternoon sewing, drinking tea, and chatting while the kids where playing together. I don't know how it could get any better. And with the help of this extra sewing time, I just flew through clue 5.

(I even assembled 4 gold blogs, to see how they will fit and look.)

How does a perfect sewing afternoon for you look like?