lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2016

Merry christmas 2016 everyone!

This is it. Christmas Eve 2016. What a year!

Advent wreath

We are visiting the grandparents, so I had the chance to take a picture of a table runner I gave them a couple of years ago. I love the pattern! Simple squares of assorted christmas and red fabrics, together with simple eight-pointed stars in yellow. I quilted simple wavy lines across the length.

Christmas table runner

I used cut and sewed and cut and sewed. In the end I had material for four runners and matching oven mittens. :-)

Detail of table runner
This project was before someone told me how to do the binding properly. At some time I will need to fix this :-)

Are there things you constantly did "wrong" or more complicated before someone told you? What are some things you could measure your quilting-progress?

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